
National Hotline 13912026295
[Polypropylene industrial yarn process]
Release date:[2018/7/10] Is reading[816]次

Polypropylene industrial yarn has two process production processes, which are two-step process and one-step process. Here is a brief introduction to the two processes.

1. Two-step process route: first produce UDY or POY, then carry out drafting and winding. Due to the small investment and low production technology, there are still many small and medium-sized enterprises in China that use this kind of process route, but the technology is relatively backward, the floor space is large, the production cord strength is low, the product quality is unstable, and the consumption is large. The production cost is high, and the new project is no longer advocated and adopted.

2, one-step process route: using spinning, drafting, shaping retraction, winding one-step process, advanced technology, short process, small footprint, high production strength, good quality, so the current introduction and new projects are A one-step process route is used.

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